Reflecting on Women Leading the Way in Governance Event 

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REN launched Women Leading the Way Network on 1st March 2022, our first event was the Women Leading the Way in Governance event held in partnership with Near Neighbours and Wellsprings Together.

We held two events to celebrate International Women’s Day, the first event was held on Monday 7th March at Grange Interlink, Bradford. The second event took place on Monday March 28th at Hamara Centre, Leeds.

Our guest speakers were: 
Amria Khatun – Senior Policy Advisor for the Civil Service
Heather Nelson – CEO of Black Health Initiative 
Selina Ullah – Chair of Derbyshire Healthcare NHS 
Zoe Mawson – Headteacher at Beckfoot Heaton Primary School & Nursery 
Kim Shutler – CEO of the Cellar Trust 

The guest speakers shared their journey and valuable advice on how you can take up governance roles in schools, health boards and the VCSE sector.

Would you like to become a mentor for the Women Leading The Way Network?

REN would love to hear from female leaders who would like to become mentors to support the professional development of other women who may be facing barriers to their career progression. The commitment for mentors would a minimum of one hour each month and mentors will be matched to a mentee needing support on a particular issue/topic with the outcome of building the mentee’s confidence and resilience and help them develop their skills to become future leaders.

Please get in touch if you are interested in becoming a mentor!

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