General Statement of Intent
Confidential information means all propriety information relating to REN operations, processes, plans, intentions, know-how, market opportunities, transactions, affairs, photographs and database.
Scope of the Policy
The employees and Board Members of REN cannot use or disclose confidential information without the consent of REN unless and in each case only to the extent that:
The confidential information is known to the employee independently. The confidential information is in or comes into, the public domain other than as a result of wrongful use or disclosure by the employee. Disclosure is required by law or regulatory authority.
The obligations in this confidentiality clause continue whether or not this agreement is terminated and without limit in time.
Data Protection
During the course of employment of any staff and after its termination REN will have the right to hold personal information concerning individual employee that is relevant to employment. Some of this information may be sensitive personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act. more on our cookie policy here
Professional Conduct
All employees are required to observe a standard of professionalism in maintaining REN’s confidentiality policy at all times whilst on duty. more on our equal opportunities policies here
Conflict of Interest
Employees may not engage in any activity which would prejudice the proper performance of their duties. If an employee fined itself in a situation where there is a conflict of interest between other activities and their duty towards the employer, the employee should inform his/her Line Manager immediately.